CMZ leading growing company

CMZ recognized by CEPYME as a leading growing company in 2018


The Spanish Confederation of Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises, CEPYME, has recognized the work carried out by CMZ in 2018, through the CEPYME500 initiative. Our company has been awarded and recognized as one of the leading growing companies. We are very proud to be counted amongst this group of businesses, and to receive this award. Thanks to this achievement, we feel that the work of each and every one of our employees, collaborators and clients, who make this CNC lathe manufacturer a respected, renowned company, has paid off.

An organization serving SMEs

CEPYME is an intersectoral, nationwide professional organization that defends, represents and promotes the interests of small and medium enterprises and freelancers. CEPYME is known as a leading business organization, and is the most representative at the state level. Through CEPYME500, they analyse diverse factors relating to the companies that make up the fabric of business at the industrial level and they select those who lead growth, based on their capacity to generate employment, innovation, added value and international projection as well as results generated in the financial year.

Recognition for work well done

If there’s something that defines the essence of our company more than anything, it’s that every link in the chain makes the project their own. The team’s involvement not only translates into a top-quality product and high performance, but also into sustainable, coherent and progressive growth that helps us to consolidate our company. 2018 has been key for our organization.

A growth in sales was clearly linked to the creation of new departments and the expansion of other areas that have been strengthened: Logistics, Production, Engineering, Post-Sales, Marketing, etc. We have invested in many areas of the company to be able to satisfy our clients’ needs, while maintaining the quality of the product and the service offered.

Looking to 2019, we have new and exciting projects which include expanding our assembly plants. Demand for our CNC lathes is very high and it is important to have the necessary resources and to incorporate the latest advances in order to meet the needs of our clients. These projects are always carried out with the principle of achieving positive results through progressive and reasonable growth.

Made at home

At times, we feel like we’re going against the grain. It is not easy to fight for your own product, with a localized manufacturing process in an environment in which the competition is continually acquiring a more global, impersonal dimension. At CMZ, we manufacture CNC lathes at our assembly plants, with 100% control over the process. The majority of the parts that make up the CNC lathes are manufactured at our own plants. This helps us to have very precise control over the whole productive process and to maintain high-quality standards throughout.

The companies that make up our business, including our 4 subsidiaries, bring together more than 300 workers. Despite the exponential growth experienced by CMZ, both in terms of resources and sales, we continue to be a family business. We are a company that manufactures HERE and while other manufacturers use profit margins for sending their CNC lathes from other countries where they have delocalized manufacture, we invest these in the top quality components that make up our machines.

We don’t (just) sell machines

We’ll never tire of reiterating that we are a family company. Every day, an average of 2.5 lathes emerge from our plants, and we have more than 32,000 square metres of facilities that will soon be expanded. We are present in five countries through our subsidiaries and we have more than 300 people in our ranks. We are aware that these details are not typical of what is commonly known as a “family business”, but that’s what we are. We don’t sell machines, we don’t just do this.

We have been manufacturing machine tools for more than 70 years, and our company is in the hands of the third generation of the Zumarraga family. We manufacture top-quality CNC lathes and we sell them at very competitive prices thanks to the features of our production process and our way of doing things. But, furthermore, we offer a friendly and professional support service that is ready to accompany our clients throughout the whole lifecycle of their machines.

Our company’s family essence is seen in our service. We like to pamper our clients, workers and suppliers, because we know that they are key pieces in our business. We try to do this to varying extents and it is clear to us that, whatever happens, we will continue to be faithful to this philosophy, to this way of understanding the business world and the industrial sector, and we will remain faithful to a way of doing things that is allowing us to sow the seeds of success – and awards.


It’s not every day that we receive recognition from leading organizations such as CEPYME. Being amongst the 500 Spanish companies recognized as growing leaders, gives us more motivation to keep working very hard every day, and to remain faithful to our principles. This is only just the beginning – we’ll keep fighting to maintain this level.

All that’s left to say is thank you to CEPYME for the award, to our employees for their involvement and dedication, to our suppliers for being strategic allies and our clients for always trusting in us. A huge THANK YOU to everyone.