cmz magazine



For better or for worse, time flies. August is now here, and with it comes the sunshine, the smell of barbecue, the beach, afternoons at the pool and all of those good things we long for throughout the rest of the year. During the month of July, at CMZ the pace of work is dizzying. In this whirlwind of tasks, we have had time to create something magical. We have decided to put our skates on and bring you the best reading material of the summer: the CMZ MAGAZINE is born. We are launching the first issue of our new corporate magazine.


After months of reflection, we have realised that we have a lot to tell. What better way to do so than to present them all in a magazine? CMZ MAGAZINE has been born with the intention of becoming a new channel of communication between you and the people who make up the company. In its pages, we open the doors to our house, we share with you all of the ins and outs, we offer exclusive content... in essence, we want to make you a part of the day-to-day life of this hectic yet happy company called CMZ.


We feel that "je ne sais quoi", those nerves that inevitably appear before starting something new, that unstoppable excitement and enthusiasm. If there is one word that defines the work of all of the team that has made this first issue possible, it is precisely that, enthusiasm. The people who make up our company are a diverse bunch: we speak different languages, we live in different countries and we have different profiles. However, there is a common denominator that links all of us: passion for a job well done. We enjoy what we do and we like to do it well. As a result of all of that, we are firing the starting pistol for CMZ MAGAZINE.


This first issue is packed with interesting content. We take a look back to share with you all of the events and fairs we have taken part in. In addition, we show you what SEUNER is like inside, and we tell you about our latest acquisitions of industrial machinery. And of course, #wearecmz has a regular section in the magazine – we have 3 VIP interviewees who will tell you what it is like to work here. Staying loyal to our commitment of 12 months, 12 applications, we give you the details of the applications for CNC lathes that have piqued the most interest over these last few months. Furthermore, this year CMZ France turns 15. We are preparing something very big, and in this issue we will give you the first clues.


We hope that this issue will be the first of many. If we manage to ensure that when you've got the pages between your hands, you feel all of the care that went into preparing each of them, our mission will be more than accomplished.

You can view our magazine with one click – will we see you there?

Come and see. CMZ Magazine is here to stay.