cmz indusmedia 2019

CMZ speaks at the 10th Indusmedia Conference in the Success Stories category


As well as the famous fairs, there is one date that for a long time now has been an unmissable event in our annual calendar. We are talking about Indusmedia, the annual conference on digital marketing for industrial companies. The special news this year is that we played an active role in the event, sharing our humble experience as an industrial company in the field of online marketing.

Real marketing

Throughout our new digital journey, our headers have been provided by Overalia. And it was they who proposed us as speakers at the event. Almost unable to believe it, we were chosen from among the companies put forward to share our experience in the Success Stories section.

In previous years we have attended as audience members, and if there was one thing we particularly liked, it was the empathy inspired in us by many of the speakers in the success stories section. We saw marketing through our own experience, and they shared resources, advice and tips that could easily be applied to our reality as manufacturers of CNC lathes. When they told us we had been selected to present our story, we knew we wanted to bring something to all of the companies that, like ours, use digital marketing.

We focused our talk from a pragmatic point of view. Rather than talking about digital marketing on a very technical level, we spoke about real marketing. The marketing that has helped us turn our website into our sales assistant that's on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Be digital, my friend

Patricia Heras, Marketing and Communications Manager at CMZ, briefly spoke about the history of CMZ and our starting point for renovating the website. We went from having an obsolete website to possessing a powerful sales tool which, in less than one year, has brought us a lot of satisfied customers and conversions into sales.

All of this has been possible thanks to our trust in digital marketing, and activating a comprehensive strategy based on our online presence. We shared information, examples and channels that we use to generate business opportunities.

As Patricia said at the end of the talk, we hope that our experience has brought something, however small, to all those companies who, like us, have decided to embark on this exhilarating adventure into digital marketing.

From here, we would like to think Overalia for guiding us in this exiting project, Indusmedia for entrusting us with such an important task, and all of the attendees for the kind words and thanks they gave us after the event – without a doubt, the best gift.