Iñaki Zumarraga Industry 4.0

CMZ Wins the National Technology Award 2022 in the Industry 4.0 Category


On 18 May, CMZ received recognition in the 5th annual National Technology Awards as the best Industry 4.0 company. This prestigious award was sudden and unexpected arrival, and it is an acknowledgement of our company's track record and the role it has played in developing advanced software for managing our day-to-day work.

The 5th Industrial Revolution

There are some who say that, without knowing it, we are living through the 5th Industrial Revolution. Our habits, and our dizzying way of life demand more and more technology, speed and innovation from companies. This technological-industrial revolution has progressed with giant leaps forward, because of, or perhaps thanks to, the pandemic. Under this premise, on the 18th May we attended the 5th Annual National Technology Awards organised by El Suplemento. This annual prizegiving pays homage to all the leading technological players in this digital age.

The Celebration

CMZ Industry 4.0

The event took place in The Westin Hotel in Madrid. There we met a very varied mix of professionals with long careers behind them, as well as new entrepreneurs, making up a very representative sample of the Spanish business world linked to industry and technology. When we say the range was broad, we’re not lying: from training companies, artificial intelligence, cloud solutions, through to engineering companies, manufacturers and companies linked to the world of biotechnology, all came together at this prestigious event.

After the welcome cocktail, the ceremony started, presided over by the journalist Raquel Castro, who hosted the event in a very entertaining and energetic style and praised the work of the award winners because “they have been able to battle adversity and have managed, after a lot of effort and sacrifice, to keep moving forward and adapt to the new times.

The director of El Suplemento, the company that organises the competition, confirmed his commitment to providing the necessary support to the award winners, whose dedication is a credit to the profession and makes us feel proud seeing it from the outside.

The Appeal

Iñaki Zumarraga Roberto Zumarraga

The National Technology Award 2022 in the Industry 4.0 category was presented to Iñaki Zumarraga, managing director of CMZ. A grateful Iñaki dedicated the prize to those he acknowledged as being the real architects: the company’s employees. Especially the whole team of software engineers. Their work, in a company such as ours, is crucial. Leading this department is Roberto Zumarraga, Iñaki’s nephew, who was present at the ceremony, and to whom Iñaki dedicated some emotional words, thanking him for his good work in running the various software development projects CMZ has been involved in.

Iñaki made the most of the occasion to issue an appeal to institutions. He explained the problems and obstacles that companies like ours run into when it comes to recruiting for professions relating to software. He placed special emphasis on the lack of support from politicians and institutions in this regard, something that stands in stark contrast to the high employment rate in the country. It is essential to tackle the problem at the root, adapting education courses to the real needs of companies. His speech was interrupted by applause from the business people in attendance, who fully related to the speech.

27 trophies were given out at the ceremony, which played out as a succession of thanks, and for which teamwork became the leitmotif. The event was livened up with several musical performances. The evening culminated with a dinner in the Medinaceli room of The Westin Palace Hotel in Madrid, which was accompanied by a performance of several musical pieces by the group Ópera Urbana.

The Thanksgiving

This type of recognition is very moving for us, and they give us a shot of energy that drives us to keep pushing forward with the projects we are involved in, and working towards the sustainable growth of our company.

We would like to highlight the work of organisations such as El Suplemento, which put their time and resources into recognising the labour of businesses in diverse sectors.

We wouldn’t like to end this feature without reiterating the thanks to our IT team, without whom this would not have been possible. We will carry on working to stay on top of all the challenges that this 5th industrial revolution throws at us.