Machining Centres Mecaninor CMZ

Mecaninor receives the horizontal machining centres acquired by CMZ for Neoprec


By the end of 2018, we were already anticipating that 2019 would be a year of important changes. We couldn't have got off to a better start, and in the past few days the arrival of our latest machinery acquisitions has been getting under way. Mecaninor, one of our machining plants located in Elorrio, already has one of the horizontal machining centres that we acquired to equip our facilities with the best machinery for manufacturing our CNC lathes.

This week, we received 5 trailers brimming with machinery. We received 2 very well-equipped horizontal machining centres that form part of one of the company’s goals for this year. Very soon, Neoprec will cease to be an ambitious project and will become reality. With the intention of satisfying the growing demand for our CNC lathes, CMZ has made a big investment in what will be its third machining plant for parts used in CMZ lathes. It will be located in Mallabia, very close to CMZ Assembly Plant no. 2 (Seuner), the assembly plant at which we manufacture lathes for the machining of large-scale parts. It will feature the latest technological advances, a high level of automation and very precise machines, in an environment with controlled atmospheric temperature 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A major investment was made in horizontal machining centres as part of the process of equipping Neoprec. The two that have already been received are part of the 8 that were recently acquired for the new plant. They will be provisionally installed at Mecaninor in order to be able to meet delivery deadlines and fulfil commitments that have been made.

Neoprec was conceived to continue adding value to a manufacturing process that takes care of every detail, and that is at the forefront of the latest technology.

This new machining plant will enjoy all the advantages of modern automatic storage systems.

The 8 horizontal machining centres will be installed under FMS. This high level of automation in the manufacturing process will allow us to be more competitive, and to better meet the current requirements of the market.

At CMZ, we always like to remind everyone that we are manufacturers of CNC lathes, with everything that brings with it. We apply our philosophy and our way of understanding the company to everything we do. We firmly believe that the secret to a good machine lies in its interior, and the quality of the components that it’s made from. For us, it is crucial to be an active part of the manufacturing process of these components. We have more than 7,000m2 of facilities that are entirely dedicated to machining parts for our CNC lathes. Not only is this area going to be expanded, but it will also be improved with the inauguration of Neoprec. As well as saving costs in the process without diminishing the quality of the product, manufacturing the components for our CNC lathes at our own plants gives us a deeper, broader vision of the final product.

While other machine tool manufacturers that have decentralized production are obliged to cover importation costs (10%) for the machines that they manufacture in the final price, we use this 10% in better manufacturing and in incorporating components from the top brands. This undoubtedly helps us to offer high quality lathes at a very competitive price.

Another advantage offered by being the manufacturer is proximity. It is an aspect of the purchasing process that is intangible, but very highly valued. We have a friendly, professional Technical Assistance Service, that is ready to accompany clients throughout the whole life cycle of their lathes.

We are confident that these 8 horizontal machining centres for our new Neoprec plant will help us to optimize the manufacturing processes to continue being your best option for high-quality CNC lathes at a reasonable price.