We believe in them: fostering talent


"Youth, divine treasure," said the poet Ruben Dario. Although verse is not our speciality, we join in that battle cry. The upcoming generations face a decisive professional challenge: a complex employment ecosystem with few opportunities and latent uncertainty. Nevertheless, at CMZ we believe in them, we know that the future belongs to them and the destiny of all of us is in their hands. For that reason we have signed up to a series of initiatives aimed at fostering talent and bringing the world of industry into classrooms.

Industria Erronka Events

When the Biscay Federation of Metalworking Companies (FVEM) asked us to play an active role in the Industria Erronka project, we didn’t hesitate for a second. Its main objective is to halt the brain drain problem at its source: classrooms. For this, through a series of chats and meetings with educational establishments it introduces the young people of Biscay to the industrial sector, with the intention of awakening vocations in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).

Throughout the academic year they work to arrange meetings between educational establishments and industrial companies. With an eminently practical approach, the companies demonstrate the reality of the industrial world, revealing its processes, difficulties, products, plans, and give attendees guidance on the profiles most in demand.

The general theme of these events is closeness. The relaxed atmosphere unleashes enriching conversations, dialogues and questions. Through this initiative, over 2,000 students from the final year of secondary school, sixth form and vocational colleges have learnt first-hand about the day-to-day running of some factories.

Aware of the importance of retaining talent and helping to maintain the strength of such a key sector as the industrial sector in the Basque economy, we signed up to take part.

A few days ago, our colleagues Monica and Javier had the honour of sharing their experiences with the pupils of Lauaxeta Ikastola school. During the event they presented the history of CMZ and our digital control lathes, and they described the day-to-day work at our company, and what type of profiles have a certain future here. After the presentation there was an interesting and participatory question and answer round. We proposed a quiz-type game to play in the classrooms with generic questions related to our work, and we left a prize for the teachers to give to the winners at the end.

It was a real pleasure, and we hope to be able to repeat this gratifying experience.

Visits to our premises

The doors to our plants are always open to any educational establishment that wants to demonstrate the reality of industrial companies in a close-up and practical way. With this in mind, last Friday we received a visit from the Miguel Altuna LH Centre in Bergara. Students from the Higher Diploma in Mechanical Manufacturing Production Programming and the Higher Diploma in Industrial Mechatronics were the first groups to visit the newly-opened Neoprec factory. We hope they won’t be the last. We love receiving these types of visits to our plants. Hopefully many of them will soon be #turningtheworld with us 😉