#wearecmz: Itziar

#wearecmz: Itziar


In our #wearecmz section we continue to introduce the people who make up our company. Thanks to the nearby universities and training centres, every year a new set of highly qualified industrial engineers come out into the market. A lot is said about the so-called brain drain, but at CMZ we try to attract talent and offer these promising young people a professional future with progression. Today, Itziar tells us about her experience with CNC lathes.

Everything starts at university

Without a doubt, creating good synergies between academic institutions and universities is a two-way relationship which creates benefit for both parties. For the University, it is a way of offering its students a professional future, and for companies, it is a great opportunity to incorporate young talent who are keen to learn and receive training. That is how Itziar's story with CMZ started 5 years ago. She found out that CMZ had a vacancy that suited her profile, Mechanical Design Engineer in the Technical Office. She didn't hesitate for a single moment, she applied for the recruitment process and, 5 years on, she is still here, learning new things every day.

What attracted her most to the position, she admits, was the company's reputation and the complexity of the manufacturing of CNC lathes. Without a doubt, there is huge potential for her to develop her career. She went through all the stages of the process, and has become fully part of what is now her home.

Technical Office

CMZ has a wide range of premises: subsidiaries, machining plants, manufacturing centres and so on. The Technical Office is 100% based in the company's central offices, in Zaldibar. It is made up of a large team of Advanced Engineers, Technicians and Draughtsmen, many of whom have spent half their lives at the company. We believe that this is one of the secrets that makes this one of the most important departments at CMZ: an office where more senior profiles, with in-depth knowledge of the machines, coexist with younger ones, like Itziar, who are continually acquiring very important experience, leaving behind the junior profile that they once entered with.

In the Technical Office the team works hard to design complex, reliable and powerful lathes. It is a department that is well-equipped, solid and fast-paced. This effort, our customers tell us, is reflected in the quality of the finished product: high-precision CNC lathes.

CNC lathes with great complexity

Our customers, partners and employees all say it: our machines require a great level of technological detail; they are robust, precise and have a very competitive price for the level of quality. Every day, an average of 2.5 lathes leave our factories. This is possible thanks to each and every one of the departments that make up CMZ - from administration, through to production, passing through the Technical Office and the After-Sales Service. It is a chain that is ever-growing but strongly linked together, in which each person, like Itziar, gives their very best.

Learning every day

This young person, who specialises in Mechanical Design Engineering, admits that what she likes most about working in CMZ's Technical Office is that she learns something new every day. This, she concludes, is a very positive experience for developing her career. The key to any job is doing things differently, not stagnating, and being capable of learning. Mission accomplished!

Thank you for sharing your experience with us, Itziar!