cnc lathe parma

MECSPE 2019 | CMZ Lathes in Parma


March was the month of trade fairs. And it culminated in a very important event: MECSPE. It's an unmissable event where our CNC lathes are always present. We think it's one of the events of the year in Italy for machine tooling, a benchmark in the sector and a great meeting point. We are lucky enough to have the best CNC lathe clients in Italy. MECSPE never disappoints. We went for a simple corporate stand that let all the attention focus on the real stars: our CNC lathes.

Eighteenth edition of MECSPE

MECSPE is an event that, over the years, has been gaining more attention and has become one of the main industrial fairs in Italy. The figures are astounding: 120,000m2, more than 53,000 visitors, 2,300 exhibitors and 12 themed halls. No self-respecting manufacturer would miss it.

Italy: our main market

For us, Italy isn't just any subsidiary. They achieved the impossible in record time. Seven years ago, we were selling our CNC lathes very sporadically in Italy. Nevertheless, in 2012 events took a radical turn. A confident team with plenty of enthusiasm made sales skyrocket in Italy in just a matter of months. So much so that, for some time now, Italy has been CMZ's main market, surpassing any other branch in terms of numbers and invoicing. For us, it's an honour to have positive opinions about our lathes. A satisfied client is the best reward for hard work.

MECSPE, a meeting point

If we had to define MECSPE, it would be like this: the best meeting point. This trade fair has helped us to establish our presence and present our latest innovations. What's more, we have had the opportunity to meet many clients face-to-face, and we have created synergies that will help us to be much more competitive and we have sold a considerable number of machines. What more can we ask?

CNC lathes in Parma

Since we refreshed our corporate identity, we've endeavoured to apply it uniformly to all events in all countries. CMZ's stand at MECSPE, is a living example of this. Our understated corporate blue has become the perfect stage for the 3 jewels in our crown: our CNC lathes in Parma. We wanted our 3 series to be represented by each one of the machines. The TX Series, composed of our multiturret lathes with prismatic guide, was present thanks to a TX 66 Y2, without doubt the best option for those who want to optimize production by minimizing time. A TA-20-TY was present at the stand and it is one of our best-selling machines. The TD-30-YS, had a spectacular welcome. We suppose that being a CNC lathe that reaches acceleration of 30 m/min and is equipped with a 12,000 rpm motorized tool is nothing trivial. These products delighted everyone there. Moreover, our ever faithful supplier ESPRIT performed many simulations with their powerful software.

And the winners are...

The excellent situation of our Italian subsidiary is more than enough motivation to raise our glasses and say a toast. And that's exactly what we wanted to do at the stand: honour all our clients with a special draw. Everyone assembled at our stand had the chance to win one of our three VIP packs, made up of two of the best Spanish wines: Rioja and Ribera. Despite huge participation in the draw and that we ended MECSPE overwhelmed with participant's cards, there could only be three winners:

  • Rolando Parmeggiani

  • Marcelo Ferrari

  • Davide Zecchel

congratulations to the lucky three! We'll contact you soon to get your prize to you. To everyone else, many thanks for participating in the draw. Your support overwhelms us. We will keep working hard and pushing ourselves to manufacture the best CNC lathes on the market.

MECSPE was an indescribable experience… we'll be back!