Andrea Chiaravalli | CHIARAVALLI GROUP

LMC | Chiaravalli Group

LMC opens its doors to tell us about his experience with CMZ cnc lathes. For them, CMZ is not only a machinery supplier, it is a first-class technological partner.


  • NAME: LMC Chiaravalli Group
  • LOCATION: Cavaria with Premezzo (VA)
  • ACTIVITY: CNC machining.
  • MACHINES: They have 16 CMZ cnc lathes.


LMC was born from the Chiaravalli group, a historical company. The crisis has pushed the company to restructure to adapt to the needs and demands of the current market. For this reason, LMC has made an important investment in good machinery absorbing the essence and know-how of the Chiaravalli Group. CMZ cnc lathes have played an important role in this process. Professionalism and tradition define this leading company in mechanical transmission better than anything else.


Andrea Chiaravalli affirms that they do not have a specific client typology. One of the main points that differentiates LMC from its competition is its versatility. For this reason, they work from the automotive sector to the aerospace sector through the oil & gas sector. However, the agricultural sector was, at the beginning of the company, one of the main markets that has helped it to consolidate and become the great company they are today.


The range of CLM customers is so wide that they are obliged to adapt to all types of production processes. Mechanical machining at 360 degrees allows them to be able to create customized components of very diverse nature. For this reason, they are capable of making very small pieces in which the accuracy to the millimeter is everything, as to take care of the details required by the large pieces that are used in some sectors.

They are convinced that the more intuitive and simpler the numerical control of a machine is, the easier it is to handle the operator. This translates into a more efficient production process and better results. In that aspect, they believe that CMZ is a leader.


If something defines LMC is its ability to adapt to the needs of each client, whatever they may be. This requires that any provider that works for them be able to adapt to their way of working. Not only do they need strong and precise cnc lathes. They need something more.

Andrea believes that CMZ meets those requirements. They do not see CMZ as a mere supplier of machinery, for them it is a technological partner. It highlights the technological innovations that CMZ has brought to LMC and what has helped it grow.

Given the strong presence that LMC has in the market, they have had the opportunity to work with all kinds of cnc lathes manufacturers such as Biglia or Samsung. Although some of them are still present in the company, CMZ has an absolutely dominant presence in the turning department. They believe that it is the kind of machine that best suits their production style.


Beyond the cnc lathes and the purely technical aspects, Andrea shows her most personal side by remembering Paolo Paccagnini, director of the Italian subsidiary of CMZ until May 2018, when he died after a long illness. LMC keeps an indelible memory of Paolo and as he says, was more than a provider. They define him as another partner, a key player in the chain, someone who knew how to understand his business project like nobody else.

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