seuner, mallabia

That’s SEUNER: our second CMZ lathe assembly plant


SEUNER Fabricados is CMZ's second Assembly Plant 2 in Mallabia. It started its path in 2015. The plant's purpose is to manufacture the TD Series, which includes CMZ's long bed lathes, with distances of between 2 and 3 metres from tip to plate. Truthfully, we could not be happier. Today, it is a plant that functions at full capacity, where very high quality CNC lathes are made.

Investing to grow

Given the complex production process for such large lathes, the company made an investment 4 years ago – to open CMZ's second assembly plant for long bed lathes. The orders have been increasing gradually and steadily. This means that the company's management has had to seriously consider the need to invest, to increase the production capacity, in order to respond to the growing demand for this type of CNC lathe. This is the first time in its history that CMZ has gone into manufacturing lathes for machining large pieces. The experience could not have been better. In the last year, demand for this type of lathe has tripled.

Large does NOT mean slow

Within the TD Series there are two categories, the TD Z800-Z1350 Series and the TD Z2200-Z3200 Series. The Large CNC lathes are characterised by their speed. Their most notable technical characteristics are:

  • Speed of 30 m/min in the X, Z and Y axes.
  • Motorised tool of 12,000rpm.
  • Integrated heads cooled by oil.

In addition, with CMZ's 2 and 3 metre machines, we can completely forget about the obsolete heads with reduction gear boxes. The screws of the spindles are cooled using oil, and the lathes have laser calibration on all of the axes. All of these details, along with the competitive price, ensure that customers who request this type of machine end up very happy. Customers from such varied sectors as oil & gas, renewable energy, food, rail... sectors that need large lathes to produce large scale pieces.

Many customers, as well as the high technical capacities of the machine, highlight the power in the head and the z axis. After giving it a lot of thought, since a lathe of such scale is a major decision, when they come to us they admit that it is very difficult to find such a good machine at a competitive price.

The importance of buying from us

The secret to being able to get a CNC lathe with these characteristics onto the market lies in the manufacturing process. We can state that the vast majority of the parts that make up our lathes are produced in our own factories. Whereas other manufacturers have to meet very high export and import costs from Asian countries, CMZ puts this margin into top quality components without increasing the final cost of the lathe.

Pure cutting-edge technology

In the meetings and visits we have with customers, from Spain and the rest of the world, they all get a great impression of CMZ's plants. "Spotless, impeccable and equipped with every detail", that is how many of our visitors describe the SEUNER installations. Many of them are used to visiting other manufacturers or workshops, where order is conspicuous by its absence. For us, it is a fundamental aspect, both customer-facing and for our employees. Creating a favourable and suitable environment means we produce better, there's no doubt about that.

The plant from the inside

SEUNER is an assembly plant of more than 10,000m2, equipped with the latest advances in manufacturing processes. The temperature control is constant throughout the whole factory, and there is less than 2ºC variation over the course of 24 hours. One of the most spectacular areas is the "Clean Room" where the heads are assembled. It has temperature, humidity and air quality control in line with ISO-8. The plant's production capacity is 400 machines per year. All of this is possible thanks to the 50 employees that make up the team.

Increase in production capacity

The setting up of SEUNER has meant that CMZ's sales of CNC lathes have shot up in the last few years. In 2016, we grew by 7%, 16% in 2017, and 23% in 2018. This has had a very positive impact on the company's profits and on the response to the demand from our customers. We manufacture more and better. We hope to continue that way. For anyone who wants to get to know SEUNER and see our large lathes up close, our door is always open. Get in touch with us and we will be delighted to tell you more about this state of the art CNC lathe manufacturing plant.