
#wearecmz: Bruno


As we told you at the beginning of the year, we have launched #wearecmz. We are very clear that behind every machine there are always people, and they are the ones who can best explain what CMZ is and how we got to where we are. We are not (just) manufacturers of CNC lathes, CMZ is much more than that. It is a way of understanding life and the company, a working philosophy, something that we try to imprint in every one of the processes we carry out when we manufacture our product.

Dual training: knowledge and experience

Every month, we will be hearing the experiences of our employees. This time, it is Bruno's turn. Bruno is 27 years old, and he has been with us for a while now. He is a clear example that those who persevere, succeed. In 2014, he joined the company through the Dual Training scheme. On this type of programme, people who are studying subjects related to our activity can obtain knowledge in assembling CNC lathes whilst putting into practice the things they learn in the classroom every day. We offer them the possibility of taking their first steps on their career path with a top level CNC lathe manufacturer. But the truth is they give us much more. Not only do they bring a breath of fresh air and new knowledge, but each of these young people arrive at the company eager and full of anticipation, keen to give the best of themselves. This is immensely valuable to us; it is the best foundation on which to build any promising professional career.

"Sacrifice and giving 100%"

When Bruno looks back, he can see the effort that he put in to get to where he is now. Balancing his studies with working at CMZ is hard, but at the same time very satisfying. He has always been clear that no job is too big or too small, every role is important, and even more so in a CNC lathe factory, in which every part of the process is a cog in the machinery. For Bruno, the starting point isn't as important as being clear about what the goal is, and where you want to end up. You just need sacrifice, determination and effort. Bruno highlights the fact that being surrounded by eminent professionals and having cutting-edge facilities has been a key factor in his learning process.

Important decisions

Indeed, juggling training and work requires a huge effort in terms of time and dedication, nobody said it would be easy. However, the fact is that most students who come through the dual scheme value the experience very highly. From the company's point of view, being able to welcome people with profiles such as Bruno's is extremely positive. If there are any students wondering which company they would like to do their Dual Training with, we think that testimonies like Bruno's might be able to help them. Undoubtedly, choosing where you want to do your dual training is not a matter to be taken lightly. It is a decision that can drastically influence the direction that your career might take.

High employment rate

At CMZ we are pleased to say that the employment rate at our company after finishing this type of programme is almost 90%. In our production plants, the experience of those who have spent their whole lives at CMZ is combined with the enthusiasm of those who have just started their career. A career which, if they give their best, promises to be a long one with our company, in which they will be fully immersed in the world of CNC lathes. In a sector as fast-moving as the machine tools sector, at CMZ we like to invest in people and be part of their life project, by providing stable contracts. We believe that by doing that, we all win.