Renzo Codari

#wearecmz: Renzo


We often say that no one is irreplaceable. To a certain extent, it's true, but when we see Renzo, at the head of CMZ Italia, we realise that there are exceptions. He is a fundamental piece in the CMZ family. His interview has touched our hearts. He admits, with emotion, that not a day goes by when he doesn't remember his loyal brother-in-arms: Paolo.

From out of nowhere

Renzo knows the business like nobody else. He has a long career in the machine tools sector behind him, during which he always formed a perfect team with our dearly missed Paolo Paccagnini. They started up CMZ Italia 7 years ago from nothing. When you look at the volume of sales, you might think that it is the longest-serving subsidiary in the company. Quite the contrary. They were the last to arrive, but the first to position themselves in CMZ's ranking of key markets.

CMZ, the importer

When Renzo looks back, he remembers that CMZ was known as "the importer" of Spanish machines. It was a brand that, bit by bit, started growing stronger, but had started from zero in a very competitive market and with a lot of tradition in the sector. The first fair we attended opened many customers' eyes. They saw our CNC lathes in person and were amazed. Thanks to the impeccable sales work by Paolo, who coordinated the whole sales network, in a matter of months, sales started to grow at a dizzying rate. CMZ went from being "the importer" to becoming a renowned and prestigious manufacturer of CNC lathes. So much so that Italy is now our main market.

More than satisfactory progress

Without a doubt, these 7 years have been busy. The progress has been remarkable, to say the least. Sales continue to grow, and the team is expanding to respond to existing demand. All of this is possible thanks to the work of all of the people who, day by day, make it possible for us to keep moving forward. Renzo describes the experience as very positive. He knows more than anyone the progress that the CMZ brand has made in Italy, since he saw it first hand and was instrumental in the change.

When a friend leaves

There is a song that goes "when a friend leaves, something dies in the soul". That is what we felt when Paolo passed away over a year ago. Without a doubt, Renzo, his loyal companion, was one of the people who felt his loss the most keenly at CMZ. They were inseparable. Together they took the Italian company to the top, and it is now Renzo who has taken over the legacy left by the great Paolo. During the Open House held last year in our Italian subsidiary, we paid a heartfelt tribute to Paolo. During the interview, Renzo told us with emotion that they are still in the phase of rebuilding after the loss. Without a doubt we will never forget him.

More than a job

Renzo is like a mirror to look into. He turns everything he does into passion and enthusiasm. Everyone who works with him gives a smile when you ask them about Renzo. Disciplined, positive, dedicated, loyal, a good colleague... there are so many adjectives to describe him that it is impossible not to bow at his feet. If only all companies had a lot of "Renzo"s in their ranks.