Enrique Lucas CMZ

When a friend departs


On May 19th, there was an unusual silence across the whole of CMZ. All of us who make up this big family walked with our feet on the ground, but our hearts and our gazed towards heaven. One of our own has gone, one of the greats; a pillar. The evening before, on the 18th May, our hugely admired colleague and friend, Enrique Lucas left us, in a manner that was as inexplicable as it was unexpected.

We cannot find the reasons or the words. Enrique was special. His fierce character, his determination, his meticulousness and his steadfastness came together to make up the personality of a self-made man who experienced the growth of this company with front row seats, and indisputably played a leading role in changing it.

He was grit and courage. Steadfastness and loyalty. Pure nerve. Never again will anyone walk the corridors of CMZ the way he did, almost without setting his feet on the ground, because he was a dreamer. He knew it was impossible and he did it, he took the prestige of our company to the top in his own way, quietly giving his all.

He lived in the fast lane, but he never missed the details on anything. Not one of them escaped his notice. He arrived here from his hometown of Ermua as a young engineer, eager to take on the world, and boy did he do that! Each one of the 430+ people who make up this project are unique and irreplaceable. And that of course goes for Enrique too. Our thoughts are with his wife, their two children and the rest of the family. There are no words.

There is a song that says when a friend departs, a part of your soul dies. What a great and heartbreaking truth!

Today the sun is shining and the sky is a bright and clear shade of blue. I'm sure he has something to do with it. The sudden void he leaves is impossible to fill. We refuse to talk about him in the past tense because he is an indelible part of CMZ.

Enrique, you will always be with us.