Christian Meyer

Christian Meyer

Christian Meyer is a person who has clear ideas. A man who, like Steve Jobs, started from the garage at home, and has now built a solid company. He considers himself loyal to CMZ's lathes. He is someone who knows how to move in the market and always compares before buying. He describes the difference in prices between CMZ and the competition, in relation to performance and quality, as aggravating. We are proud to have such loyal customers, who have such strong faith in our product.


  • Name: Christian Meyer Zerspanungstechnik GmbH & Co.KG
  • Sector: Metal Industry.
  • Location: Hüllhorst, Germany
  • They have 4 CMZ lathes.


When someone discovers their passion and makes it their profession, they have all the ingredients for success. Christian studied on a vocational training course and then realised that his great passion was turning. He started in his garage at home, and in 2002 he hired his first employees.

The beginnings are never easy, so in order to start his business adventure, he acquired his first second-hand CNC lathe. Another two second-hand lathes followed that, and he worked with them in less than 100 m2 of work space, which he himself describes as a pigsty.


In 2011, after overcoming the hardest period of the economic crisis, they decided to buy their first new lathe: a CMZ. They had a good wind behind them and the company grew at a dizzying rate. That growth always went hand in hand with new machinery. They didn't hesitate for a second. They were so happy with their CNC lathe that they bought another two more machines from CMZ.


In 2018, the company moved to its current premises, a newly-built space with over 1000m2 of production space. When they changed premises, they acquired one of our multi-turret machines, a TX. Currently, Meyer has 17 employees, who work in shifts on 4 of our machines.

For him, the difference in price between CMZ and other manufacturers, who offer a similar or worse product, is astounding. On one occasion, before buying a machine, he compared offers and found differences of €100,000 for a lower quality product. This made him think a lot, and he became even more convince of the excellent value for money of our lathes.


Christian Meyer is certain. He likes working CMZ for various reasons. Aside from the fact that for him the product is very competitive and great quality, he sets a lot of store by the human factor in business relationships. He likes to always work with the same company, since it is the way to understand the needs and respond to them most effectively. With CMZ, they have been working with the same person for 10 years. They describe the service as being very good, and they confirm that, whenever there have been any incidents, they have received exquisite care.

It was a pleasure to go to Germany, visit the facilities of this company, and talk to Christian, who is a clear example of the saying that those who persevere, succeed, and that brand loyalty can be achieved when you offer a good product and good service. Thank you for sharing your experience with us!

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