Andrè Vicente - Gamet


12 out of 18. That is the number of CNC lathes that GAMET owns from CMZ, out of all of machines of this type that they have. The dizzying speed at which this French company is growing goes hand in hand with the acquisition of our CNC lathes and their loyalty to CMZ.


  • LOCATION: Le Neubourg, France
  • ACTIVITY: Precision machining
  • MACHINES: 12 CNC lathes.


GAMET is a company that has been in the sector for 35 years. It is a company of renowned prestige and with notable expertise in the field of precision machining. It is a member of French Fab, an association made up of ambitious companies that are seeking to innovate and create an international project. They are firmly committed to new technologies and innovation.


The range of customers they work with is very varied: petroleum, automotive, food, aeronautics... They are all very different customers with very specific needs. These needs have to be met by suppliers which, as well as a good product, provide confidence, security and guarantees. The CNC lathes are more and more in demand in the petroleum sector. This is a trend that has become increasingly noticeable recently.


The star product that everyone knows GAMET for are their lathe chucks. Their hydraulic cylinders are also very popular. However, recently they have diversified their business enormously in order to keep growing. This evolution has allowed them to expand their portfolio and the type of customers they serve. This growth and diversification means they have had to acquire precise, reliable and powerful machinery that is adapted to demand. Because of this increase in activity, at the moment GAMET has machines for small producing small runs of a reduced scale right up to large size pieces.


GAMET is a customer that is certain about this. They have 18 CNC lathes in their facilities, 12 of which are CMZ lathes. On a technical level, they think our lathes are robust, and that they stand out in terms of tolerances. But if there is one thing that shows the advantages of CMZ compared to other competitors, it is the technical assistance. GAMET highlights this as a clear distinguishing feature since, whenever there is a breakdown or incident, the response is immediate. The interventions are carried out quickly, which means they don't lose the pace of their production.


GAMET recently tried out a new CNC lathe for the first time. It is a TD-45-and-2200, one of our machines designed for machining large scale parts. They are mainly used by various customers in the petroleum sector who require large parts. At the moment, this machine's performance is optimal. Since they have long been familiar with our brand, it didn't take them any time at all to get the hang of handling the lathe. Their production is going full steam ahead, and they are meeting their customers' very specific needs.


The company is already showing promise, having gone from facilities of 3,000 to 7,000m2. Because of that, it is likely that they will soon need to increase their range of machinery. André is clear that they will once again put their trust in CMZ. The reason is quite simple: CMZ understands GAMET's needs and evolution like no one else. For us, having the recognition of a loyal customer like GAMET is the best reward for a job well done.

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